Maryborough Harness Racing Club Inc.
0354642451 Attractions Carisbrook
Maryborough Harness Racing Club is the largest day Club in Victoria, racing 28 times a year. In addition the club conducts Sunday Trials on 48 occasions throughout the season. Set on 32 acres, the spacious grounds are well kept and wheelchair friendly.
Our club is renowned for its home style cooking and this, added to a well stocked Bar, lend itself to a pleasurable day out. Our state of the art track is popular with trainers, drivers and owners and ensures that our racing product is of a high standard. Our undercover facilities ensure we can cater for large events such as Weddings, Parties, Funerals and Conferences. Our expansive grounds can be utilised for displays, car shows and markets.
337 Bucknall Street, Carisbrook VIC 3464 Australia