Newbridge Wines
0417996840 Food & Drink - Cellar Door & Wineries Newbridge
No regular cellar door trading hours. Please call to check if you would like to visit the vineyard.
We are a small, single-site winery located on the picturesque banks of the Loddon River near Newbridge.
The grapes are hand-picked, while the vines are hand-pruned during winter. For the past few years we have avoided herbicides in the vineyard and we seek to produce as "clean" a product as possible. The winemaking process avoids the use of animal products and is therefore suitable for vegans. We produce high quality unblended Shiraz wine made entirely from grapes grown on our farm. We also produce a small quantity of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
3421 Bridgewater-Maldon Road, Newbridge VIC 3551 Australia