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Hours: MON - WED: Open from 3pm (Dinner from 6-8pm) THU - SUN: Open from 12pm (Lunch from 12-2pm. Dinner from 6-8pm)

Wedderburn Hotel situated in the heart of the township is within walking distance of motel, shops, post office etc.


The Wedderburn Hotel is the first and last Hotel on the Wedderburn goldfields. Established in 1855, the Hotel is still serving up meals & refreshments in a relaxed friendly atmosphere. MON | TUE | WED: Open from 3pm (Dinner from 6-8pm) THU | FRI | SAT | SUN: Open from 12pm (Lunch from 12-2pm. Dinner from 6-8pm) Our venue offers a Public Bar, Lounge (Dining Room), Beer Garden(s), Bottle Shop, Accommodation (x 5 rooms) & Communal Laundry. Bus Tours | Catering | Events | Group Bookings available 7 days. Whether you're local, visiting Wedderburn or passing through town, we look forward to welcoming you!

72-74 High St, Wedderburn VIC 3518 Australia
