Yung Balug Aboriginal Artefacts Museum
0417 333 171 Attractions Boort
By appointment only
Yung Balug Museum is a unique place to study Aboriginal history and the local environment. The Boort Region has significant Wetlands which can be visited at the same time.
The “Yung Bulug Keeping Place” displays a very large collection of Yung Bulug Clan artifacts handed over mainly by retired farmers.
The building is situated on Lunette hill on the East side of Lake Boort, overlooking the wetland. Lake Boort contains the highest concentration of scarred trees in Australia made with stone tools. You are able to walk around Lake Boort to study the Red Gums which hold these amazing scars. Around the edge of the lake there can be found at least 50 “Cooking Mounds”.
The Yung Balug Clan Keeping Place mainly caters for educational groups who want to learn their early Australian History. School groups are most welcome.
The Keeping place also grows native foods, specializing in Acacias (Wattles) for human consumption, you can walk among the rows of wattles.
Detailed Aboriginal History on the Northern Plains was well documented by Paul Haw and Margaret Munro in the publication titled “Footprints Across the Loddon Plains”. This book is for sale at The Keeping Place.
Thanks to the State Library of Victoria, The Keeping Place now exhibits some of the oldest photos of Aborigines living on the creek that flows into Lake Boort, these photos were taken in the 1850’s by John Hunter Kerr.
Environmental Tours of the Wetlands in the Boort Region are also conducted.
Everyone is welcome to visit, but please call before visiting.
3645 Boort Pyramid Road, Boort VIC 3537 Australia