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Felt Lion Plaque workshop Participants will be supplied with a kit and shown how to create their own wall plaque of a lion out of brightly coloured felt. Fun and easy to make, once finished the children will be able to hang their handicraft on the wall at home to remind them of the new lunar year and Easter 2021. Suitable for children aged 5 - 12 years Session duration 60 minutes

Chinese calligraphy workshop In China calligraphy is a long established and highly valued artform with the finest calligraphy combining the visual form of the characters with their interpretation and literal meaning. Many famous scholars, poets and artists study calligraphy throughout their life. In this workshop you will learn a little of the history of Chinese calligraphy and some Chinese pictographic words. Using a special writing brush you will learn how to write some auspicious Chinese words such as 福(wealth) and 喜(happiness). Your final art work can be a decoration in your house or a gift to someone special. Suitable for 12 year old and up. All materials supplied. Session duration 60 minutes

As capacity at all venues is limited, please contact the Bendigo Visitor Centre to cancel your ticket if you are no longer able to attend. This will enable the ticket to be made available for others to book.

As capacity at all venues is limited please contact the Bendigo Visitor Centre to cancel your ticket if you are no longer able to attend. This will enable the ticket to be made available for others to book.

Please help us keep all events safe and remember: • Wash your hands or use the hand sanitiser provided regularly • Maintain social distancing where possible • Wear a face mask at indoor venues and outdoors where you are unable to social distance (you must carry one with you) • Stay home if you are unwell or awaiting COVID-19 test results. • Do not attend if you have travelled overseas or to a declared COVID-19 Hotspot in the previous 14 days

1-11 Bridge Street, Bendigo Victoria 3550, Australia
